EQAS Institution Directory

EQAS Institution Directory

400+ Providers 65+ Countries Championing Quality Education Worldwide!

Championing quality education worldwide in the UK involves several aspects, including accreditation and quality assurance mechanisms. Accreditation is a crucial component of ensuring that educational institutions meet certain standards of quality and effectiveness. In the UK, accreditation is primarily overseen by various government bodies and agencies.

UK Directory

Take a look at EQAS accredited providers in the UK.

International Directory

See all EQAS internationally accredited institutions.

Boost your Institution Profile

I can provide you with some general information on how institutions can boost their profile through accreditation in the UK. It’s essential to research and consult with the relevant accrediting agency for precise guidance.

University College of Cayman Islands

The University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) is not located in the United Kingdom (UK). It is actually situated in the Cayman Islands, which is a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean. Therefore, the accreditation and recognition of UCCI would be under the jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands government and relevant accrediting bodies in the Caribbean, not the UK